Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Off to Hong Kong!

My loooooong awaited short vacation is here!  By the time you read this, Hubby and I are already off to Hong Kong.  And I'm soooo excited!  Food + Shopping + HK cold weather = Heaven.  Had to wait 4 long months and I can't believe that the day has actually come!  We actually booked the tickets way back in September (hello cheap tickets!), so each and every day was an agonizing wait.  Sorry, am I being too excited?  I actually just went to HK last August, and even though I go there around twice a year, a trip to HK is always and will forever be exciting for me.  I'm in love with the country, and every trip, we discover something new and find new adventures!  So yes, HK will always hold a special place in my heart.  But wait, here's more:  everyone's favorite word:  S-A-L-E season!  While the sale here is good, I think the sales in HK will be triple times awesome!  Imagine all those brands that have not reached our shores yet... then imagine them all going on sale!  Just merely thinking about it already makes me get goosebumps... the inner shopaholic goddess in me is already doing twirls and jumps (LOL sorry I'm just really excited).  I really thank my lucky stars that the country is just a two hour flight away from us, people from the Philippines, we are lucky!!! 

Will be in Hong Kong for a couple of days.  Watch out for my return, because surely there will be lots and lots of food and shopping posts when we come back!  In the meantime, I've pre-scheduled a couple posts to keep you entertained while I'm gone.  Enjoy!

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